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作者:石坚 易丹
字数(千):610 页数:405 印次:1-1
开本:16开  平装
出版时间: 2012-03-07



本教材共分四大部分,各含若干小节:在引言中,首先对本教材宗旨及所强调的文化视角,然后利用欧盟‘官方’文件,以及部分历史学者叙述,介绍了 欧盟早期发展历史;分析了欧盟的出现和发展,包括政治科学、文化研究,以及欧盟经济、法律、行政等方面所呈现的文化问题,认同政治等;最后,分析了欧盟在文化多样性、文化产业等诸方面代表性的实践,并讨论了欧盟如何或作为一个整体、或在不同的领域,实践着多样化。同时,本书还给出了相关的大量补充阅读资料。


Part One  The Overview                                 
The Ventotene Manifesto                                                 
Reconstruction, Reconciliation, and Integration, 1945—1957                 
A Ferment of Change                                               
The Emerging European Union,1993-1999                     
European Union and Globalization                             
The Lisbon Treaty. The End of the European Community, after a Long and Glorious Life?                                                         
Part Two   The Critique                          
Cultural Studies, Complexity Studies and the Transformation of the Structures of Knowledge                                                       
Multiculturalism and Political Integration in Modern Nation-States —Thematic Introduction                                                          
Some Europe in Their History                                    
Obstinate or Obsolete? The Fate of the Nation-State and the Case of Western Europe                                                               
Citizenship and European integration                              
European Identity—Between Inclusion and Exclusion               
The Debate on European Values and the Case of Cultural Diversity                        
Voiceless Submission or Deliberate Choice? European Integration and the Relation between National and European Identity                    
Part Three  The Practice                       
EU Participation in the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions: Some Constitutional Remarks  
Consuming European identity : The inconspicuous side of consumerism in the EU                                                                  
EU Film Policy: between Art and Commerce                 
“United in Diversity”: The Church’s Experience and the European Union’s Identity Motto                                                        
The ‘Cultural Industries’: A Clash of Basic Values? A Comparative Study of the EU and the NAFTA in Light of the WTO                          
Timescapes: An artistic challenge to the European Union paradigm    
Nation, Citizenship and Immigration in Contemporary Spain       
Appendix:A Selected Booklist