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作者:文军 蒲度戎
编辑:陈翠平 黄世芳
字数(千):362 页数:423 印次:1-1
开本:32开  平装
出版时间: 2002-09-01




British Literary Criticism Sir Philip Sidney(1554—1586)   The Defence of Poesy(5 Excerpts) John Dryden(1631—1700)   An Essay of Dramatic Poesy(3 Excerpts) Alexander Pope(1688—1744)   An Essay on Criticism(Excerpt:Part 2) Samuel Johnson(1709—1784)   The Perface to Shakespeare(2 Excerpts) William Wordsworth(1700—1850)   Preface to Lyrical Ballads(3 Excerpts) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772—1834)   Biographia Literaria(Excerpt) Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792—1822)   A Defence of Poetry(2 Excerpts) Matthew Amold(1822—1888)   The Function of Criticism at the Present Time(2 Excerpts) Oscar Wilde(1854—1900)   Preface to the Picture of Dorian Gray   The Decay of Lying Edward Morgan Forster(1879—1970)   Aspects of the Novel(Excerpt) Virginia Woolf(1882—1941)   Modem Fiction Ivor Armstrong Richards(1893—1979)   Practical Criticism(Excerpt) American Literary Criticism Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803—1882)   The Poet Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849)   The Philosophy of Composition Henry James(1843—1916)   The Art of Fiction Thomas Stearns Eliot(1888—1965)   Tradition and the Individual Talent Meyer Howard Abrams(1912— )   The Mirror and the Lamp(Excerpt from Chapter 1) Susan sontag(1933— )   Against Interpretation