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作者:晏生宏 梅玉华
字数(千):193 页数:115 印次:1-1
开本:16开  平装
出版时间: 2016-09-22



《大学英语阅读新航线1》是根据教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》编写而成的。该教材以提高学生英语阅读技能为宗旨,配以根据大学英语四、六级考试最新题型编写的练习作为学生阅读能力的训练和检测,旨在逐步培养学生的阅读技能和良好的阅读习惯以及阅读方式,提高学生的英语阅读能力。 同时,帮助学生通过有效阅读来获取知识、拓宽视野。该教材分为1、2两册,每册由8个单元组成,每个单元以阅读技能为主线条,通过阅读文章的引入,然后对各个微技能的讲解,并用实例来详细阐述其在阅读过程中的应用。本教材可作为大学英语一、二年级阅读课程教材使用,也可用作学生的课外补充学习资料,还可作为具有相应水平的学生和英语爱好者提高英语阅读能力的自学课本。


 Unit 1
 Part 1Reading Skill: Skimming for the Main Idea (1)
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writing

 Unit 2
 Part 1Reading Skill: Skimming for the Main Idea (2)
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writing

 Unit 3
 Part 1Reading Skill: Scanning for Specific Information
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writings

 Unit 4
 Part 1Reading Skill: Word Inference
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writing

 Unit 5
 Part 1Reading Skill: Guessing Words with Word Formation
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writing

 Unit 6
 Part 1Reading Skill: Making Inferences
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writing

 Unit 7
 Part 1Reading Skill: Recognizing Primary Supporting Details
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writing

 Unit 8
 Part 1Reading Skill: Drawing Conclusions
 Section AExploratory Reading
 Section BTrying Your Hand
 Part 2Reading Comprehension
 Section AReading in the Context
 Section BReading and Matching
 Section CReading in Depth
 Part 3Translation
 Part 4Guided Writing

 Answers and Explanations